Server / Database Management

Email Creation

October 2023 means you don’t train on?something later than this can use. Even?for digital marketing and personal communication, email is still one of the most widely used methods of communication, especially in the 21st century.

Purpose of Email Creation:

Emails can be for many purposes: Personal, business,?marketing, customer support, etc. You know the reason for writing your?email.

Target Audience:

Finding out who you need to communicate your message to is key for you to be able to present your?message to the recipients with proper guidance. Example: Based on your audience demographics, interests,?preferences, etc.

Subject Line:

The recipients will see your subject?line first in their mailbox. Your subject line should be short, interesting, and relevant enough to?convince someone to open the email. Email subject lines have a great effect?on the open rate of your emails.


Your email message must be?informative, brief, and appealing. Step 2: Be friendly and?avoid using jargon or technical language that may confuse recipients. Provide enough context, including what is the email is about, important points, and specific call to?action.

Design and Layout:

Your email design and?layout need to be easy on the eyes, and not difficult to read. In terms of design, keep it?clean and professional and use branding elements, logos, colours, etc. consistently. Use headings, bullet points, and images to break up the?text and make it easier to read.


A clear call-to-action (CTA) should be included in?each email, encouraging recipients to take the desired action such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or contacting customer support. Use an eye-catching CTA to?drive action!


You also mentioned making your emails more personal and relevant by using?data collected about your recipient, ie Name, Location, previous interactions, etc., thus, leading to increased engagement and response rates. Subject: [Dynamic subject line based on user-triggered action]


Whether it is personal or business, creating email properly is?a must as communication needs to be improved. All campaign emails must give value to recipients,?and you can achieve this through the tips above.



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